How to invest in index funds

“Overall, index funds provide a straightforward and cost-effective way for investors to gain exposure to the broad market, offering diversification, consistent performance and long-term growth potential,” said Adam Puff, president and founder at Haddonfield Financial Planning in Haddonfield, New Jersey.”

5 Things To Look For When Hiring a Financial Planner or Adviser

“Make sure you’re paying for advice, not for a giant mahogany desk, marble floors, penthouse office, etc. The best advisors and ones that care often have very pedestrian offices because they are more focused on you than an image.”

Cost of Living Keeps Rising, but Your Paycheck Isn’t — Here Are Expert-Approved Tips Just for You

“Paying off debt is important because it relieves financial stress, improves credit scores, and frees up money for saving and investing,” he said. “To pay off debt, focus on budgeting, reducing expenses and allocating extra cash to pay off any debt as soon as possible.”